About Morgan French

Morgan French is a wife, mom of two, writer & editor. After traveling for 3 years with her family, she now lives back in her hometown of Dayton, OH. She makes frequent stops for coffee, enjoys the outdoors, and loves board games.

Best Stroller Friendly Hikes to Experience in CA

Are you ready to hit the trails in California with your little ones? Lace up your hiking boots and grab that stroller because we've got the inside scoop on the best stroller-friendly hikes in the Golden State. From the breathtaking Lands End Trail in San [...]

2024-04-17T02:35:23-05:00February 25th, 2024|

Best Things to Do in Savannah Georgia with Kids

Families can experience the perfect blend of culture, history, and outdoor adventure when they visit Savannah, Georgia with kids. With its picturesque cobblestone streets, moss-draped oak trees, and stunning architecture, Savannah is an ideal destination for families looking to create lasting memories with their kids. [...]

2024-04-11T03:43:31-05:00February 20th, 2024|

Baby Gear for Active Parents

Are you an active parent who loves to stay on the move with your little one? If so, you know the importance of having the right baby gear to keep up with your adventurous lifestyle. From jogging strollers to baby carriers, many options are designed [...]

2024-01-29T18:47:51-06:00January 29th, 2024|
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