It’s officially day 1427 (ok, we might be exaggerating a little) of quarantine and we know you may be dealing with some bored kiddos and toddlers (and possibly other adults!) at home. So we’ve curated a list of fun boredom busters that the entire family can take part in so you can get some relief from quarantine boredom!

Here’s 14 ways to beat boredom at home and entertain your quarantined little ones:

1. Technology for the win!

Boredom Buster - Children Facetiming With Grandparents

This has been one of the most popular ways folks are connecting and engaging while we all social distance; and it’s not just for adults or for work purposes! Your little ones can totally participate in video calls or Zoom calls.

Schedule a video play date with one of your kids’ friends from school. Need to get some work done? Have grandma or grandpa do some virtual babysitting on FaceTime! We don’t know about you but we are totally grateful for these types of technology right now! BTW, not naming any names, but we know a grandma and grandpa who had a 30 minute dance party with their grandson via FaceTime. This boredom buster can double as exercise too!!

2. Good old fashioned hand written notes make a great boredom buster!

Child Writing Letter To Family Member

Send some love to a relative by creating and writing homemade cards. This is a personal way to stay connected and if you have super crafty kiddos, they’ll love spending hours doing this! Find odds and ends at home that you can incorporate. Maybe some old buttons, keys, pasta, newspaper or magazine cut outs. Find the paper and glue and get creative! 

3. ABC Mouse – an educational boredom buster.

Boredom Buster - Child Playing Computer Learning Games

ABC Mouse is well known by many. If you don’t already have it, get it! This is a go-to boredom buster even during non-quarantine times. If you haven’t used it in a while, time to break it out again. They are offering a free 30 day trial right now to new customers—perfect timing for quarantine!

For bigger kids, try or MIT’s Scratch.

4. S’mores are calling! 


For most of us, it’s finally the time of year that you can spend more hours outside. It is sunnier and warmer! Yay! If your city permits it, get outside one evening after dinner and have a bonfire. Get cozy with some blankets, have a warm hot chocolate (or an adult beverage for mom and dad), and make some s’mores! This activity pretty much guarantees that the whole family will be smiling!

5. Play with your food. 

Boredom Buster - Marshmallow Sculptures

Have left over marshmallows after your bonfire? Use them to create different types of sculptures! All you need is marshmallows and toothpicks. Make animals, buildings or entire cities! Get ultra creative by using mini, regular and jumbo marshmallows!

Brownie points for parents: your kids will love eating their creations afterwards.

6. Create an outdoor movie theater!


Go all out with this boredom buster! Why not turn your bonfire experience into an outdoor movie extravaganza? Take an old white sheet and hang it up outside (you can tape or pin to an exterior wall on your house). Borrow from a friend or order a projector from Amazon. Connect to your computer and tada! You can stream Netflix or Amazon Prime or whatever service you use. 

7. Hit up your local zoo, virtually to bust boredom!

Boredom Buster - Webcams At Zoos

Zoos all over the world offer live stream video of animals; and most zoos offered this even before quarantine 2020. But it has become a super fun way to spend some time and to check off your daily science homeschool lesson. Try googling “live stream zoos” and you’ll find lots of options. We especially like the Monterey Bay Aquarium live cams or these options from the San Diego Zoo.

Related articles:

8. Pass the time with a long drive.

Mom Buckling Baby Into Car Seat

Social distancing doesn’t have to keep you at home all the time. Pack up your crew and hop in the car for a drive. Play some games like I Spy or The License Plate Game. This is a great boredom buster to feel like you’re getting out while still staying safe! And if you’re lucky, the kids will fall asleep on the way home and stay asleep for a little bit once you get back. #winning

9. Red solo cup boredom buster.

Red Plastic Cups

We know many households that have a healthy stockpile of red solo cups. Now is a great time to break those out and have some fun! You can use them to create awesome circle designs and artwork to frame for home decor. Create towers. Bigger kids love flipping competitions. Ping pong water games. Check out the endless options here.

10. Go back to the basics of childhood fun and build a fort. 

Boredom Busters: How To Keep Kids Successfully Occupied During Quarantine

Who doesn’t love a blanket fort?! Find every single pillow and blanket you have in your home and make a ginormous family sized fort. Use chairs, step stools, ottomans. This boredom buster can take a serious chunk out of your day and if the kids ask to keep the fort up for days on end, let them! Encourage them to read inside their new secret hideout!

 11. All the world’s a stage. 

Boredom Buster - Watch Broadway Online

This is a unique boredom buster idea that we are totally on board with. BroadwayHD offers streaming of all your favorite Broadway musicals. And they have a 7 day free trial! The service works on all types of devices and they literally have hundreds of titles. Use this as a way to teach homeschool Shakespeare! 

12. Balloons can guarantee at least an hour of entertainment. You’re welcome!

Child Playing With Balloons

Have some unused balloons lying around from birthdays past? Blow them all up and the fun will automatically begin! What kid doesn’t love a bunch of balloons everywhere? Of course, you could also play some games like hot lava balloon (don’t let the balloon touch the floor), balloon tennis, water balloons or balloon hockey (use a cardboard box as the goal). 

Make sure your kids are old for this boredom buster activity. If they aren’t, adult supervision is a must.redom

13. Pop culture boredom busters at their best!

Dvds On A Shelf

This boredom buster may be more appropriate for older kiddos with longer attention spans. That said, we think adults will definitely like this one. Have movie marathons and pick a theme! Maybe 80s night. Educate your tweens on movies like Pretty in Pink or The Breakfast Club. Or what about a Harry Potter marathon? Sounds like a great way to spend some quality family time!

14. Boredom busters for the tiny members of your household.

Toddlers might be the hardest demographic to keep quarantined. They are busy, highly distracted and have shorter attention spans than older kids. So to all the parents of babies and toddlers, we are here for you and sending you virtual hugs as you make your way through quarantine 2020. Here are a few ideas to help you survive quaran-toddler days: 

Sensory Bins:

Children Playing In A Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are the best. You most likely have things at home you can use and unlike a lot of activities, toddlers will usually spend more than 15 minutes enjoying them! We love sensory bins with whipped cream, ice cubes, play sand and dried pasta! 

Introduce solids:

Mom Introducing New Foods For A Boredom Buster

This applies to babies, but if you’ve been waiting for the right time to make your own baby food, experiment with different foods and spend time cleaning up the mess that inevitably will be made…then now’s the time! 

Potty training:

Child Potty Training

Ugh. We know. It’s not the most fun way to beat boredom, but if you’re stuck at home anyway, you might as well start!

This is just the tip of the iceberg! But we hope it helps you and your little crew have some fun. We know there are tons of other boredom busters and want to hear from you. What are you doing to beat boredom while staying home? Comment below!