
12 Family Exercise Games

By |Parenting|

With enticing screens grabbing our children’s attention, it can be hard for kids to get the 60 minutes of exercise a day that they need. Rather than sending them off to do some physical activity alone, why not involve the [...]

10 Best Sensory Toys for Travel

By |Travel With Kids|

How do sensory toys help children on the spectrum? According to Autism Speaks, sensory toys are beneficial to children on the spectrum by “helping them engage with their senses, provide feedback to their sensory systems, and regulate their sensory needs.” [...]

BabyQuip vs. Babies Getaway

By |Travel With Kids|

BabyQuip and Babies Getaway are both baby gear rental companies whose aim is to make traveling easier for families with children. While they have quite a few similarities, there are also some notable differences that parents may want to avoid. [...]

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