Please join us in celebrating and patronizing small and local businesses. It’s best to do this everyday but especially this Saturday, November 24. Why should you support small and local business? Keep reading to find out why your support matters!

As a small business with 300+ small and local business providers on our platform—BabyQuip understands the challenges and joys of running a small business. In some ways, running a small business is like parenting. There are sometimes long days, great personal investment, and dedication to customer service. Just like parents, when the days are long, we think about the lives we impact. For us, those are families making lasting memories on vacation, grandparents spending quality time with grandkids, a safe car seat and a comfy crib waiting at the end of a long flight.

Woman Working On Her Small And Local Business In Her Home With Her Family

Small Business Saturday is coming up, and we’d like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of all small business owners. In our experience, the people who fuel small and local businesses are committed to their customers. They produce innovative products and providing high-end service.

Eight reasons to shop local and small:

1. Vibrant local economy

Small and local businesses keep local main streets relevant and tax revenue strong. State and local governments rely on revenue generated by small and local businesses. Sales tax is an obvious source of revenue but individual income tax from those employed by small businesses is also important to local government revenue. Among other things, that revenue helps maintain local parks and fund local schools. When you spend money locally, your dollars stay in your community.

2. Niche markets

Small businesses provide quality, hard to find products and services. From hand-sewn wool sleep sacks to hand-crafted furniture, locally roasted coffee to locally raised meat, wedding planners to massage therapists—small and local businesses provide that personal touch and attentive customer service that the big box stores can’t compete with. 

3. Customer service

Great Customer Service Provided By Small And Local Business

No one does personalized customer service better than small businesses. They don’t entertain the thought of call centers or endless phone prompts. Small and local businesses want to earn your repeat business and referrals with first-class customer service.

4. Legit reviews

Five Star Reviews For Small And Local Business

Amazon reviews can be bought, making them misleading and untrustworthy. But generally speaking, reviews of local and small businesses are trustworthy. Your local bakery might not have thousands of reviews, but the dozen or so they do have were written by real customers.

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5. Specialized products and services

Small and local businesses usually focus on doing one thing really well. From organic baby loungers to practical nursing fashion, ceramic artists to beauty industry professionals—small businesses are born from a desire and vision to build something better. Whether online or in person, local and small businesses offer hard-to-find and quality products.

6. Workforce

Woman Working On Computer At A Small And Local Business

Nearly half of the US workforce is employed by a small business. In their 2018 Small Business Profile, the U.S. Small Business Administration reports that small businesses employ 47.5 percent of the private workforce. Furthermore, it creates 70 percent of all new jobs (2015 data). When you shop local, you’re helping create and support jobs for people in your community.

7. Stay-at-home parents

Stay-at-home moms and dads are harnessing their economic potential through a variety of small and local business ventures. From selling products like Norwex cleaning supplies and Young Living essential oils to offering services like childcare and baby gear rentals—small and local business ventures help stay-at-home parents learn new skills, sharpen existing skills, and bring in additional income.

8. One-of-a-kind handcrafted products

Handmade Soaps Made By A Small And Local Business

Soaps, cakes, custom furniture and honey are just a few of the many products small and local businesses craft with love. From large marketplace platforms like Etsy to seasonal craft fairs, you can find unique, handcrafted gifts for yourself and loved ones. Shop local and small this holiday season for unique and memorable gifts. And for the traveling parents and families on your list, consider a BabyQuip gift card!