The first few weeks as a new parent are filled with joy, but it can be extremely exhausting trying to figure out newborn sleep schedules. New babies sleep 16-18 hours per day, but somehow it feels like you, as a parent, are not getting any rest

It’s inevitable that your sleep will decrease when bringing a new baby home, but having an understanding of how your baby’s sleep patterns work will help tremendously. Knowing how to assist them in getting on your sleep schedule, and soothing them when they are unable to calm themselves down to fall asleep, can really help you survive the first few months.

Safe Sleep Guidelines

Before we dive into newborn sleep schedules and patterns, it’s imperative to know basic sleep safety guidelines that you should be following when it comes to the safest way to put baby to sleep. 

Safe sleep is as easy as ABC

Alone – Baby should go down for every sleep session alone

Back- Baby should be placed on their back in a velcro or zipper swaddle, and nothing in their sleep space (no blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc., no matter how adorable)

Crib- Baby should be in their own safe sleep space (ideally in a crib) on a flat, firm mattress.

The AAP also recommends that babies sleep in the same room as parents/caregivers for the first 12 months of life. This is the first step to getting your newborn sleep schedule implemented.

Typical Newborn Sleep Patterns

So what do typical newborn sleep schedules and patterns look like? As mentioned before, babies will sleep for the majority of the day, but since their tummies are still so small, they frequently wake for feedings and diaper changes. 

The longest duration a newborn will be able to sleep is one single 4-hour stretch per day. Their sleep cycles are much shorter (40-55 minutes) than adult cycles (90-100 minutes), and at 4 months old, they will typically hit a sleep regression making their sleep cycles longer and more adult-like. 

The majority of your newborn’s sleep will be in the lighter stage of sleep where you will see your baby fluttering their eyes, grunting, calling out, moving around, and rapid breathing, which, unfortunately, easily wakes them up. This is why having an ideal sleep environment equipped with blackout curtains, a white noise machine, and a crib for all sleep sessions is so important for restorative sleep to happen. Newborns should also be swaddled during each sleep session, and lights turned off to recreate a womb-like setting.

Newborn Sleep Confusion

Did you know that some newborns have day and night confusion? Have you noticed your baby sleeping all day and up what seems to be all night? If you answered yes, your baby has their daytime sleep, and nighttime sleep mixed up, but don’t worry, this is very common for newborns. 

When babies are around 4 months old, their circadian rhythm (otherwise known as the sleep/wake cycle) kicks in. Babies have been living in perpetual darkness in the womb, which means that when they enter the world, their circadian rhythm hasn’t been regulated yet. 

Additionally, most babies are more active at night while you are sleeping and sleep during the day when your movements help lull them to sleep. One of your main priorities in the first few weeks should be helping your baby sort out their days and nights.

Steps to adjusting baby’s body clock:

  1. Start with an age-appropriate newborn sleep schedule!
  2. Offer all sleep sessions in an ideal sleep environment, as mentioned above.
  3. During wake and play times, bring baby into a well-lit room with natural sunlight
  4. Stay consistent with your sleep routines

Newborn Wake Windows: How long can (and should) a newborn stay awake?

When putting together your newborn’s daily routine, the goal is to find that perfect balance between being tired enough to fall asleep but not overly tired. So, start with the recommended wake window range for your baby’s age, and keep in mind your baby’s wake windows are very small for the first couple of months of life:

  • 0-4 Weeks: baby can stay awake for 35-60 minutes
  • 4-12 Weeks: baby can stay awake for 60-90 minutes
  • 3-4 Months: baby can stay awake for 75-120 minutes

Huckleberry and The Wonder Weeks apps are great resources to help with age-appropriate wake windows

Remember to keep an eye on the clock during naps. You want to avoid your baby napping for so long that they won’t have the sleep pressure to go down for their next sleep session. This will ultimately throw the rest of your day off. Ideally, all naps should be capped at 2 hours during the day (max 3 hours). 

Calming Your Newborn for Naps

If you find you are trying to put your baby down for a nap, and they are extra fussy, you can always implement the pediatrician Harvey Karp pioneered method called the 5 S’s. This method came to be when Dr. Karp brought together five techniques that moms have often used and organized them into one easy process: swaddle, side-stomach position, shush, swing, and suck. In doing these steps altogether in one swift motion, your baby will typically calm down in seconds. 

Here is a newborn sleep schedule you can implement today!

Newborn Sleep Schedule


NAP 1: 8-9/9:30 AM


NAP 2: 10:30- 11:30/12 AM


NAP 3: 1-2/2:30 PM


NAP 4: 3:30- 4:30/5 PM


NAP 5: 6-7/7:30 PM






When Will My Baby Sleep Through the Night?

You’re probably thinking about those night feeds and when your baby will be able to sleep through the night?! Every baby is different, but typically most babies will begin to sleep longer stretches around 6-8 months of age once they have started solids. As long as they are getting enough nutrients when you feed your baby during the day (24-28oz and 3 solid meals), most babies will be able to sleep through the night. 

Some are able to sleep through the night sooner, and others not until after their first birthday. If you are struggling and need guidance to get your little one sleeping through the night, reaching out to a certified infant sleep consultant may be just what your family needs.

Newborn Sleep Schedules & Patterns Summary

Your baby will transition from a newborn who can sleep anywhere regardless of noise, stimulation, or environment, to becoming much more aware of their surroundings and waking easier. Stay strong during these exhausting months, and stick to your routine! Even though it may feel like you will never sleep again, rest assured this crazy newborn sleep schedule will pass, and you will return to normal sleep habits.