Rent Baby Gear INCLUDING Stroller - Single Jogging Graco | BabyQuip

Rent Baby Gear from Jenny List in Monterey, California

Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More

Rent Baby Gear from Jenny List in Monterey, California

Cribs, Strollers, Car Seats, Toys & More


Monthly rate is based on a 28-31 day period. Rentals beyond 31 days will be prorated at the daily rate of $6.00 per day.

Graco's Fast Action Fold Jogger Click Connect is the ultimate crossover stroller, combining all the comfort and convenience features of a traditional stroller with the performance and maneuverability of an all-terrain jogger. This stroller is loaded with innovative features like the one-second, one-hand Fast Action fold bringing the ultimate in convenience to a jogger. Click Connect technology allows for a one-step, secure connection of infant car seat to stroller.

1 in stock

Stroller - Single Jogging Graco

$10.00/day -or- $180.00/month

Prorated after 31 days

1 in stock